Professional Certificate No. 25182
Master in Clinical Psychology (specialization in Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions) | FPCEUC
Graduate in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies,
Third Generation - Mindfulness | INSPSIC & Bangor University
Complementary Training in Therapy Focused on (Self) Compassion
Complementary training in ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Work as a researcher in applied psychology Development, implementation and research of a Mindfulness program to promote well-being and stress reduction at the institutional level
Inês Gaspar
Clinical psychologist | MSc
Anxiety | Acceptation and compassion | Relationships | Personal development | Career development | Mindfulness

"I believe that within each of us there are multiple possibilities of being. In this sense, living consists of self-discovering our potential" selves "and deciding what, within us, we want to feed and cultivate and how we can do it.
In my clinical practice, I strive to facilitate this reunion, creating a space of empathy, security, understanding and acceptance."